Day 11: Fallin' for Zimbabwe

Hello from the future!

Along with many others in the group, I still am finding it hard to believe we are on the other side of the world, 9 hours ahead of our friends and family. There is no one word to describe how we are feeling now that we have made it to our third stretch of the trip. Content, filled with joy, peaceful, overwhelmed, tired, and most of all trying to come to terms with the fact that this exciting adventure is passing by us faster than those door-knob sized spiders could run in Chikuni. Our first full day here in Zimbabwe (more like Zimbab-yay) has brought us all some enjoyable, and much appreciated, relaxation time. In the morning, we got the chance to stand awestruck and fully drenched at the 3rd Natural Wonder of the World, the Mosi-oa-Tunya (Victoria Falls). Standing up to its name "the smoke that thunders", I'm sure we can all agree that some thundering smoke was seen. The afternoon was spent exploring the local markets, buying lots of souvenirs (shoutout to my parents), lounging by the pool, and finding/holding some lizards (named Raphie and Seamus). 

It became increasingly evident that we were in a special place filled with a rich Zimbabwean culture when we got to meet and interact with two local choirs in the area, the Victoria Falls Serenaders and the Hosanna Seventh Day Adventists school choir. This evening, we had the opportunity to put on a concert together and exchange songs. We learned after the concert that tonight was actually the Serenaders first opportunity to perform, since it is such a new group. These two groups were some of the most talented singers that we have met on the trip so far. The sheer volume of ringing sound that flowed out of their bodies was astonishing. Of the music that we've experienced in Zimbabwe so far, these students had a strong vibrato and a darker color that was different and new. Even with the nuanced differences, it is exciting to also see the similarities between Zambian and Zimbabwean music and their full, luxurious and bright tone. Looking around at my fellow students' faces during their performance, I knew we were all thinking the same thing, "what do we have to offer that could compare to that?" The main thing I've been learning so far is that the beauty of this trip is in the exchange of music itself. It is centered around what we can learn, not on what we are bringing. Being able to be there with our new friends and use music as our tool to understand each other is the whole point of this trip. The Serenader's first piece that they shared with us was a song of greeting in their local language. The Hosanna boys next to me were whispering an explanation of the translation for me as they were singing. "Hello, you are welcome here, and thank you for being here". That song has truly encapsulated the welcome we've received in many places throughout the trip. One of the girls from the Hosanna junior choir that I bonded with (named Yvonne), said at the end of the exchange that this whole experience has made her feel like she needs to cry of happiness and that she is so happy to have been able to be a part of this. It's amazing how quickly you can bond with someone in just a mere twenty minutes. Although our time with them was short, (we had to run off to dinner) the impression they left on us will be long-lasting. Tomorrow is a day of individually-chosen adventures and more travel. 

The book I've been reading throughout the trip (during the flights and drive times) focuses on how the choices we make lead us to where we are. I don't know how everything came together to get us all in this beautiful place but I am very grateful. I hope that my fellow students and I are able to soak up every last minute of this adventure before it's over, gain new perspectives to use for the future and be cognizant that the choices we make can have an impactful and positive result. 

Melissa Davies
Class of 2019


  1. Just beautifully spoken melon. We have a big choice in our lives and somehow they all brought us to GU. I'm so thankful that's you were lead on a similar path and that it allowed you guys to experience that this adventure you are partaking In. It's really incredible and motivational the way your experiences over that short time can impact you all so much and I hope you all bring it home with you to share with the rest of us


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